Short Term (Days 01,03,07,15,30) Course Information
Plastic Film and Woven Bag Processing Technology - (30 Days)
5S & Housekeeping - (5 Days)
Compliance Standards, Audit Preparation and Certification - (5 Days)
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control - (5 Days)
Quality Awareness and Understanding - (5 Days)
Social Compliance, OHS and Gender Issues - (5 Days)
Export Marketing - (3 Days)
Marketing Management Sales Promotion & Marketing Planning Course - (3 Days)
Product Marketing or Marketing Strategy and Management - (3 Days)
Program for Enhancement of Injection Molding Technology- JICA - (3 Days)
Training Course on Injection Moulding Technology (JICA and BIPET) 3 days 1 Batch - (3 Days)
Training of Trainers (ToT) Course- JICA & BIPET - (3 Days)
Plastic Injection Molding Technology (ToT) Training Course (Online) - (2 Days)
02 Days
5s & Housekeeping Training Course - (1 Day)
Compliance Standards, Audit Preparation and Certification - (1 Day)
Export Marketing - (1 Day)
Factory Compliance Improvement & Fire Safety Training Course - (1 Day)
Hazard Identification & Fire Safety Training Course - (1 Day)
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control - (1 Day)
Injection Molding machine operation and Maintenance Course - (1 Day)
New VAT Law & Supplementary Tax Training Course - (1 Day)
Plastic Injection Molding Machine Operation and Maintenance Course - (1 Day)
Plastic Molding Process Operation & Maintenance - (1 Day)
Quality Awareness & Understanding - (1 Day)
Recycling Technology Upgradation & Factory Compliance Improvement Training Course - (1 Day)
Social Compliance, OHS and Gender Issues - (1 Day)
Tooling Methods, Jigs and Fixtures - (1 Day)
Training of Trainers (ToT) Course- JICA & BIPET - (1 Day)